Archive - August 12th, 2016

On a Shockingly Casual Case of Sexual Assault

August 12 Comments Off on On a Shockingly Casual Case of Sexual Assault Category: Facebook, Feed

“Underlying all these actions exists the apparently unshakable tenet that any expression of male sexuality is somehow normal and every man’s right, whether or not a woman on the receiving end is repulsed or upset by it. All of us—male and female—envision all manner of erotic encounters without acting them out. But many of my […]

Why Does Hollywood Have A Problem With Unfeminine Girls?

August 12 Comments Off on Why Does Hollywood Have A Problem With Unfeminine Girls? Category: Facebook, Feed

“Stranger Things presumes that the ultra-feminine is girlhood’s default, a natural and obvious preference. To be masculine-presenting, pop culture tells us, is to be weird, abnormal, ugly, bad (in another word: queer). Prescribed femininity is therefore a cure-all: If a girl can be pretty, she can be available to men. And in 2016, as in […]

My Crazy Year with Trump: On Covering—and Being Insulted By—the Most Unlikely Candidate in GOP History

August 12 Comments Off on My Crazy Year with Trump: On Covering—and Being Insulted By—the Most Unlikely Candidate in GOP History Category: Facebook, Feed

“It’s unlikely, however, that any of Trump’s future attacks will be as scary as what happened in Mount Pleasant, where the crowd, feeding off Trump, seemed to turn on me like a large animal, angry and unchained. “It wasn’t until hours later, when Secret Service took the extraordinary step of walking me to my car, […]

As They Head to the Olympics, Women’s Soccer is Fighting to Win Equal Pay | Bitch Media

August 12 Comments Off on As They Head to the Olympics, Women’s Soccer is Fighting to Win Equal Pay | Bitch Media Category: Facebook, Feed

“In the National Women’s Soccer League, the minimum salary for a player is $7,000. The minimum for a men’s player is $60,000.” They’re the number one women’s soccer team in the world. But their most formiddable opponent is the wage gap. via Facebook through IFTTT