April 06 Comments Off on Category: Facebook, Feed

“In the past “there was an advertiser, an ad agency, and a publication,” he said. ‘Now you have lots of people in the middle. If one of those parts doesn’t want to change, it makes it all the more difficult for the other parts to change.’ Publishers are stuck ‘with using the same ads, the same vendors, and the same technologies.’

“It’s easy to become blind to these problems when you spend all day on the internet. You figure out workarounds, stop looking at large portions of the screen, and install an ad blocker. People who don’t grasp these tricks are dismissed as rubes. Meanwhile, the problems grow more intractable. To borrow a phrase, this situation has become dangerous and unacceptable. We’re 20+ years into the internet era, and instead of becoming simpler and more thoughtful, navigating our digital spaces has turned into an increasingly frustrating exercise. Maybe it’s delusional or naively optimistic to say this, but it feels like there must be a better way.” http://ift.tt/2nIkQDR

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