There’s Always Death To Look Forward To – The Awl

August 04 Comments Off on There’s Always Death To Look Forward To – The Awl Category: Facebook, Feed

“We use memes as vessels of commiseration and connection in an otherwise strange and unforgiving world. A world that starkly contrasts that of our Baby Boomer parents. As a result, there has been a staggering shift in generational expectations.

“‘Baby Boomers were given the world,’ said Kelly. ‘They’re the most self-important babies making their own turds into gold of any generation that has ever existed…And Boomers said to their kids ‘Hey check out my mansion. If you go to college, you’ll get this.’ And then 2008 happened and the world collapsed and Millennials were like ‘I thought we were getting stuff.’’ No wonder we’re so despairing.”

“Meh. There’s always Death to look forward to,” my dad would say whenever I would air my frustrations with a world that was at odds with the one I had conjured in my mind. Though I found his blatant disregard for my artful misery frustrating in my youth, I later found myself boomeranging the exact …

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