Mass Deportation Is a Lose-Lose Proposition

October 05 Comments Off on Mass Deportation Is a Lose-Lose Proposition Category: Facebook, Feed

“This system may not yet approach the epic scale of the repression in communist East Germany or the Soviet Union, or modern repressive states like North Korea or Iran. But it’s moving uncomfortably in that direction. When people are encouraged to rat out their neighbors, government agents walk around asking you for your papers, and families are disappeared off the street and whisked away to detention centers, it’s impossible to avoid the comparison. […]

“How could deporting people make local labor markets worse? Jobs are not a fixed commodity that get parceled out to whoever is in the neighborhood; that’s a common fallacy. The people deported to Mexico in the Depression weren’t just workers, they were also consumers — their demand supported local businesses. When the government stepped in and removed them, local businesses naturally suffered.”

Ousting undocumented workers can hurt the economy and put American freedoms at risk.

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