Trump’s NASA Pick Says Human-Caused Climate Change Depends ‘On a Whole Lot of Factors’

November 02 Comments Off on Trump’s NASA Pick Says Human-Caused Climate Change Depends ‘On a Whole Lot of Factors’ Category: Facebook, Feed

“Bridenstine’s equivocal response reeks of the soft denial peddled by other member’s of Trump’s cabinet since day one and by the GOP for years. Sure, maybe this whole climate change thing is real, but how can we possibly be sure how much humans have to do with it?

“This isn’t the first time Bridenstine has betrayed views on climate that fall well outside the scientific consensus. He has previously voiced skepticism about global temperature datasets, even stating on the House floor in 2013 that the Earth hadn’t been getting warmer over the past decade.”

“The White House\u2019s effort to head every science-adjacent agency with science skeptics continued apace today, when the Senate held a confirmation hearing for Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), Trump\u2019s pick to lead NASA. You\u2019ll be shocked to learn that his views on climate change do not exactly co…

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