The NRA Is a Terrorist Organization

February 16 Comments Off on The NRA Is a Terrorist Organization Category: Facebook, Feed

“The 1998 Master Settlement Agreement forced tobacco manufacturers to pay $206 billion for tobacco-related deaths and illnesses. The companies also had to stop targeting youths, restrict advertising, and enact policies so that cigarettes and tobacco products wouldn’t end up in the hands of children. The case revealed that Big Tobacco had covered up the dangers of its products for years by uniting to lobby lawmakers with billions of dollars and obscuring data about its poisonous product.

“Sounds a lot like the gun industry.”

Media outlets and politicians in mourning have all offered thoughts, prayers and not much else for the most recent mass shooting in Columbine, Colo.; Las Vegas; Sutherland Springs, Texas; Parkland, Fla. (insert next city here). Very few have called it a terrorism-related incident.

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