Naked photos of Jennifer Lawrence: to click or not to click?

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Naked photos of Jennifer Lawrence: to click or not to click?:

From private photos to violent videos, the internet is full of degrading material intended to tempt viewers. Can we learn not to gawp, asks Stuart Jeffries

Putting on my internet studies hat, I’m finding the conversations that have been popping up around this fascinating. This is another sort of specific-to-general piece that takes a look at what our clicks mean, and don’t. 

“while we write objecting to the violation of Hollywood stars’ image rights and the abuse of their privacy, the internet carries on regardless making life more miserable for women and more degrading for men.

There’s something Canutish about Badham’s injunction not to click. It does little to address the herd of elephants in the room – the objectification of women’s bodies, the spread of misogyny that the internet has facilitated, the poison of online porn beyond Hugh Hefner’s wettest dreams, the real-world consequences for human relationships of the endless parade of naked bodies beyond Roger Ebert’s anti-puritanical hopes across computer screens.”