Maintaining an abandoned project from upstream on GitHub

February 07 Comments Off on Maintaining an abandoned project from upstream on GitHub Category: Feed, Fight With Tools

Sometimes you’re working with an open-source code library that has a number of interested contributors but has been abandoned by the project maintainer. There are a few options for keeping the project up to date. The most obvious one is to cut the branch off the tree and start your own repository. However, that’s not always the optimal solution. Sometimes the maintainer is fairly high profile, or the code is linked in a lot of places, or for whatever reason abandoning the base git tree just won’t work.

In that case, there are options for essentially running the project from upstream; where you keep your branch attached to the original project tree, but pull in the pull requests from other interested parties. Using this technique you can keep your branch up to date with the best pull requests, but without fracturing the project. In addition, if the project maintainer ever comes back, they’ll have a handy single pull request with all the new features that you’ve been maintaining.

This is based on a StackOverflow response.

First you’ll want to add the other upstream fork as a remote of your repository.

git remote add otherfork git://

otherfork in this example is the name you are giving the remote repository (like origin). You can add as many other forks as you’d like, as long as you give them different names.

If you find that the other upstream repository is storing their commits for the pull request on something other than their master branch, then you’ll need to bring those other branches in too.

git fetch otherfork patch-branch

Once that is done, you can treat otherfork/patch-branch like any other branch in your repository. If you want to bring in the commits from the pull-request on the downstream project, you have a few options.

You can cherry-pick the SHA of the commits you want to integrate:

git cherry-pick <first-SHA1> <second-SHA1> <etc.>

You can use a standard merge, or a git pull:

git merge otherfork/patch-branch


git pull otherfork patch-branch

Using these methods you can have your version of the codebase living upstream of the project base but still examine, test and merge pull requests to the base as if you were the project maintainer. This should make it easier to have up-to-date code without fragmenting the project.

GitHub For Beginners: Don’t Get Scared, Get Started

March 19 Comments Off on GitHub For Beginners: Don’t Get Scared, Get Started Category: Feed, Tumblr

GitHub For Beginners: Don’t Get Scared, Get Started:

GitHub is more than just a programmer’s tool. If you want to collaborate on anything, you should give it a try. Part 1 of a two-part look at getting started with GitHub.

Now this is the plan: Get your ass to GitHub.

“The sexist, nerdy priesthood reigns supreme throughout the industry, and it’s turning girls off…”

March 17 Comments Off on “The sexist, nerdy priesthood reigns supreme throughout the industry, and it’s turning girls off…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“”The sexist, nerdy priesthood reigns supreme throughout the industry, and it’s turning girls off technology careers faster than we can bring them in: 41 per cent of women who do end up in tech jobs leave after 10 years, compared to only 17 per cent of men.””

GitHub female engineer’s shock exit: ‘Sexist, nerdy priesthood regime is killing tech industry’

Prominent GitHub Engineer Julie Ann Horvath Quits, Alleging Gender-Based Harassment

March 17 Comments Off on Prominent GitHub Engineer Julie Ann Horvath Quits, Alleging Gender-Based Harassment Category: Feed, Tumblr

Prominent GitHub Engineer Julie Ann Horvath Quits, Alleging Gender-Based Harassment:
The issue of how women in tech are treated needs to be addressed, she says.

It looked like GitHub was improving on this for a while, but apparently not.