Setting up the Antisocial Woo Theme on this blog

January 26 2 Comments Category: Actual, Code, Web Design, Wordpress

Some quick hacks as I get the WooTheme I’m using on this WordPress site running the way I like it. The real problems are because the themes’ CSS tends to be ‘leaky’ for lack of a better word. I want certain elements to look normal, or at least decent. Elements like tables or the RSS widget on this site. But when I actually start using the widgets and content the CSS from other parts of the site overlaps with the part I’m playing with and it just looks awful.

Themes Repaired, Duplicates Deleted

August 18 Comments Off on Themes Repaired, Duplicates Deleted Category: Feed, onMason

As you may have noticed there were a number of duplicate themes in our theme directory, as well as templates that were not working or previewing correctly. Some of these duplicate themes were being maintained for testing purposes, while others were there in error. However, theme issues should now be resolved. There should no longer […]