Links 3-3-11: Facebook still owns you, iPad 2, Bing beats Yahoo, Twitter hacking at TED
Top of the Interwebs:
Here’s your stupid iPad 2 news. I’m done with you.
I’m discovering the form and format of interactive narratives. If you are not sure about what the difference is between the two… well that’s just another blog post.
Worth looking at today:
Facebook is giving away all your most personal information to some advertisers. Or maybe not. Who cares, if you put it on the internet, you already lost control of it.
Facebook launched its new comment system.
Facebook purchased a small country– Oh wait… sorry, so many Facebook stories, I got confused.
Foolish people are authorizing mean programs to spam their friends. Don’t be a fool, don’t click on anything that talks about 11.6 hours. Also… who the heck has only spent 11.6 hours on Twitter. That should be your hint right there.
Ugh… in other horrible attempts to exploit people, dozens of Android apps were pulled from the market because they were vectors for malware.
Bing passes Yahoo in users for the first time.
I’m not sure why an idiot like Ashton Kutcher was at TED. Well he was and someone took the opportunity to hack his Twitter account. Amusing.