Archive - September 15th, 2014

John Oliver discusses student debt, which is awful, as well as…

September 15 Comments Off on John Oliver discusses student debt, which is awful, as well as… Category: Feed, Tumblr

John Oliver discusses student debt, which is awful, as well as for-profit colleges, who are awfully good at inflicting debt upon us.

Challenge: Re-Imagining the Hamburger Icon

September 15 Comments Off on Challenge: Re-Imagining the Hamburger Icon Category: Feed, Tumblr, Web Design

Challenge: Re-Imagining the Hamburger Icon:

The navicon, most of us are familiar with it, have seen it countless of times and have even tapped it more than once on our mobile devices. You might even know it by its various names. The three line menu, drawer, menu icon, side swipe, three stripes or the ever popular hamburger icon are just a few names you will find associated with the navicon. Regardless of the name you give this commonly used icon the point is that it’s been the subject of many debates. 

The newly popular “hamburger” icon starter, like most pieces of your computer’s user interface, in a Xerox lab.

“In a worst-case hypothetical scenario, should the outbreak continue with recent trends, the case…”

September 15 Comments Off on “In a worst-case hypothetical scenario, should the outbreak continue with recent trends, the case…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“In a worst-case hypothetical scenario, should the outbreak continue with recent trends, the case burden could gain an additional 77,181 to 277,124 cases by the end of 2014.”

The Mathematics of Ebola Trigger Stark Warnings: Act Now or Regret It.

“You cannot get a job in broadcasting unless you are prepared to work as an intern. In most cases,…”

September 15 Comments Off on “You cannot get a job in broadcasting unless you are prepared to work as an intern. In most cases,…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

You cannot get a job in broadcasting unless you are prepared to work as an intern. In most cases, you cannot work as an intern unless you have family money to feed and house you.

But then who am I to criticise Stephenson when journalism is as much of a rich kids’ game? Lindsey Macmillan of the Institute of Education found that journalists used to come from families 6% better off than average, whereas now they come from homes that are 42% richer. Indeed, British journalists, the supposed tribunes of the people, now hail from wealthier backgrounds than, er, bankers, an awkward fact that ought to cause embarrassment all round. I look at my younger self today and wonder if he could become a journalist on a serious newspaper.

The privileged few are tightening their grip on the arts.