Archive - October 15th, 2014

“Planning a transparently animus-driven “documentary” about what a lying scumbag you think she is? Is…”

October 15 Comments Off on “Planning a transparently animus-driven “documentary” about what a lying scumbag you think she is? Is…” Category: Feed, Games, Tumblr

“Planning a transparently animus-driven “documentary” about what a lying scumbag you think she is? Is that really worth it, considering lives are being threatened and it all boils down to a difference in critical analysis? Besides, it’s not like you’ve got no options — maybe go back to making your racist YouTube videos instead? Because honestly, the toxicity in this area is dangerously out of control, and wild-eyed conspiracy theories only serve to fuel the fire.”

School shooting threat against Anita Sarkeesian gets the Utah State University event cancelled.

“Planning a transparently animus-driven “documentary” about what a lying scumbag you think she is? Is…”

October 15 Comments Off on “Planning a transparently animus-driven “documentary” about what a lying scumbag you think she is? Is…” Category: Feed, Games, Tumblr

“Planning a transparently animus-driven “documentary” about what a lying scumbag you think she is? Is that really worth it, considering lives are being threatened and it all boils down to a difference in critical analysis? Besides, it’s not like you’ve got no options — maybe go back to making your racist YouTube videos instead? Because honestly, the toxicity in this area is dangerously out of control, and wild-eyed conspiracy theories only serve to fuel the fire.”

School shooting threat against Anita Sarkeesian gets the Utah State University event cancelled.

Good morning folks! Here’s a sweet remix to start you off…

October 15 Comments Off on Good morning folks! Here’s a sweet remix to start you off… Category: Feed, Tumblr

Good morning folks! Here’s a sweet remix to start you off right! 

“Whatever Gamergate may have started as, it is now an Internet culture war. On one side are…”

October 15 Comments Off on “Whatever Gamergate may have started as, it is now an Internet culture war. On one side are…” Category: Feed, Games, Tumblr

“Whatever Gamergate may have started as, it is now an Internet culture war. On one side are independent game-makers and critics, many of them women, who advocate for greater inclusion in gaming. On the other side of the equation are a motley alliance of vitriolic naysayers: misogynists, anti-feminists, trolls, people convinced they’re being manipulated by a left-leaning and/or corrupt press, and traditionalists who just don’t want their games to change.”

The only guide to Gamergate you will ever need to read.