Donald Trump And The End Of “Time”

December 08 Comments Off on Donald Trump And The End Of “Time” Category: Facebook, Feed

“For Trump, the consummate celebrity, all news has always been good news; being Time’s Person of the Year isn’t a dubious distinction, but a declaration of his dominance.”

“No matter if the story inside the magazine draws attention to the grim underside of his campaign — or that the lighting and mood of the cover itself suggests a dark, ambiguous future for the world. In the current magazine age, a cover — and a headline — is what circulates, what makes and accumulates meaning. The nuance and history of “Person of the Year” disappears. In its place rises Trump’s own notion that being on the cover of a magazine is tantamount to praise — as he said, “It’s a great honor” — or that “influential” is a strictly positive term.

“As the internet strips meaning from journalistic traditions that developed in a pre-digital world, Trump has made even the most well-intentioned pieces of criticism impotent —which doesn’t mean that it’s time to stop criticizing him. Rather, it’s time to find better tools.”

Time has long chosen controversial, notorious, or reviled figures as their “Person of the Year.” But in the age of Trump, has the nuance of “winning” the honor disappeared?

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