How to Know What Donald Trump Really Cares About: Look at What He’s Insulting

December 08 Comments Off on How to Know What Donald Trump Really Cares About: Look at What He’s Insulting Category: Facebook, Feed

“Mr. Trump likes to identify a couple of chief enemies and attack them until they are no longer threatening enough to interest him. He hurls insults at these foils relentlessly, for sustained periods – weeks or months. Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton have all held Mr. Trump’s attention in this way; nearly one in every three insults in the last two years has been directed at them.

“If Mr. Trump continues to use Twitter as president the way he did as a candidate, we may see new chief antagonists: probably Democratic leaders, perhaps Republican leaders in Congress and possibly even foreign countries and their leaders. For now, the news media – like CNN and The New York Times – is starting to fill that role.”

A look at two years’ worth of messages suggests he’s using Twitter much the way he was before becoming a candidate: to react to whatever’s in front of him.

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