Roberta’s Gets Torture Threats After Being Linked to Fake ‘Pizzagate’ Story

December 08 Comments Off on Roberta’s Gets Torture Threats After Being Linked to Fake ‘Pizzagate’ Story Category: Facebook, Feed

This just keeps escalating.

I think a point that is being unsaid in a lot of the coverage of Pizzagate bullshit is that this whole process is a very effective cudgel for destroying businesses who have dared to show any hint of political affiliation. It strongly reminds me of the tactics of gamergate, in that the continual spinning of conspiracy theories becomes a sort of internet optimization trick.

They find a phrase or a target profile that can be deployed (in this case Pizza) and then they throw conspiracy theories wildly at anything they can tie to that phrase. As a result the associated business find themselves under threat towards profitability and in some cases physical threat. And that destroys foundational elements of the opposing force. In this sense, it doesn’t matter if any of these pizza places had a real association with Hillary Clinton or not, going into the future, any place that serves pizza will know have to consider the consequences before catering a Democratic event or hosting a fundraiser. So it goes beyond just the direct danger to the physical locations, this becomes effective in destroying the networks on which Democrats rely.

“You are going to bleed and be tortured,” the caller said, according to police.

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