The 2016 Hater’s Guide To The Williams-Sonoma Catalog

December 08 Comments Off on The 2016 Hater’s Guide To The Williams-Sonoma Catalog Category: Facebook, Feed

Always the best.

“By the way, if you just want the crushed candy cane topping, you can buy a container of “peppermint snow” from Williams-Sonoma for $18.95. You can hand-appliqué your cookies with it! Or you can take a twenty-dollar bill and burn it in front of a homeless person. There’s really no difference.”

I was on the Jersey Turnpike when I saw it. I was driving my family to New York for Thanksgiving and there, along the shittiest stretch of road in the shittiest state in America, I saw the Williams-Sonoma fulfillment center: a vast hangar that seemed to stretch a mile long, with shipping containers…

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