Trump Picks Scott Pruitt, Climate Change Denialist, to Lead E.P.A.

December 08 Comments Off on Trump Picks Scott Pruitt, Climate Change Denialist, to Lead E.P.A. Category: Facebook, Feed

“President-elect Donald J. Trump has selected Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general and a close ally of the fossil fuel industry, to run the Environmental Protection Agency, signaling Mr. Trump’s determination to dismantle President Obama’s efforts to counter climate change — and much of the E.P.A. itself.

“Mr. Pruitt, a Republican, has been a key architect of the legal battle against Mr. Obama’s climate change policies, actions that fit with the president-elect’s comments during the campaign. Mr. Trump has criticized the established science of human-caused global warming as a hoax, vowed to “cancel” the Paris accord committing nearly every nation to taking action to fight climate change, and attacked Mr. Obama’s signature global warming policy, the Clean Power Plan, as a “war on coal.”

“Mr. Pruitt has been in lock step with those views.”

Mr. Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general, has been a key architect of the legal battle against President Obama’s climate change policies.

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