How to Pay For Real News

April 10 Comments Off on How to Pay For Real News Category: Facebook, Feed

“The basic argument is this: Journalism is a public good. If we want journalism to survive and thrive, we need to pay for it somehow. The operating model that paid for journalism throughout the past century—direct funding from advertisers and subscribers—is broken. Tech broke it. Broadly speaking, much of the money that used to support journalism now sits in the bank accounts of Facebook and Google. Take the money back and use it to support journalism. It’s not that complicated.

“Besides “all citizens of our democracy,” do you know who else depends on the existence of a robust news industry? Facebook and Google. Distribution of news is a key part of their business models. In order for that to continue, news itself must continue. It is in the self interest of these companies to perpetuate a healthy amount of journalism across America. And the money involved in doing so is not enough to bother them.”

Our nation’s present uproar over the deleterious effects of social media on society and fretting about the decline of trusted news outlets is nothing new. What’s new is the fact that the straightforward ways to prop up the Real Journalism industry have never been more obvious.

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