The Age of Reasonabilism
“Referring to this group as the “intellectual dark web” is somewhat fitting, as they want society to return to an intellectual dark age: an age before enlightenment, before reason and science were allowed to prevail. They would have us return to an age, one not so very long ago, when the ideas that black people should not be slaves, that women should be allowed to vote, and that the Catholic Church should not rid the world of Muslims were considered heresy. The things that this group disparages as mere “political correctness” and “popular feelings” are the true dangerous ideas – ideas that people died for, ideas that set the world free. To call the “intellectual dark web” a group of “heretics” with “dangerous ideas” and claim that their beliefs are based on rational and scientific thinking, is to do a grave disservice to the truth.”
To call the “intellectual dark web” a group of “heretics” with “dangerous ideas” and claim that their beliefs are based on rational and scientific thinking, is to do a grave disservice to the truth.
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