3D TV… What a scam…

Image by 3dstereopics via Flickr
Look, I’ve had enough of this. 3D movies and 3D TV and 3D video games. What a load of BS. Can you point out one decent thing that so called 3D entertainment has contributed?
I saw Avatar in 3D theaters and I saw it on a normal (or rather HD, but isn’t that the new normal?) TV on a DVD and yes, it was greatly improved by 3D, but only because without 3D the movie is horrible. I mean, have you seen it in “2D”? The special effects look more artificial then ones 5 years ago, the colors are inseparable and the lighting looks like it was put together with a bunch of fluorescents. That’s not even getting to the awful MOVIE. Forget Dances With Wolves, or whatever, you want to read a book that’s essentially Avatar, but enjoyable? Try The Color of Distance. Avatar was pretty much stolen from that.
Can we just recognize this for what it is? A desperate ploy by the movie industry (again) to avoid their own destruction by selling you useless new technology. It’s no coincidence that the last time the movie industry tried to push 3D on us was when the VCR came out. I’m not in to be shamelessly exploited for a few extra bucks just so they can shove some weird sunglasses on me that add zero to the movies.
It actually upsets me. Not that companies think that they can sell us this tripe, but that we “the viewing public” are stupid enough to buy into it. You know how stupid we are? Best Buy’s Geek Squad was charging people to sync their 3D glasses with their new 3D TVs. You know what? I don’t feel bad for anyone who got ripped off by that scam. If you don’t know enough about TVs or 3D to know how ridiculous that sounds, your money deserves to be taken.
Just stop upgrading your electronics every time your TV tells you to. Give your money to some poor geek who knows what to do with it. You know what I could do with the $4000 it takes to buy a 3D TV and the four sets of glasses they advertise it with? I could put together a really cool setup, a few computers, a media center, etc…. Instead you’ve gone and spent it on something completely useless. What are you going to use a 3D TV for? Pointlessly 3D media where technology substitutes for story telling?
You want the same class of “3D” that you’ve seen in most movies? I have a pop-up book I can sell you. $50 extra for each cardboard cut out.