“What we are witnessing are deliberately outrageous acts designed to create a spectacle and to instil…”

September 04 Comments Off on “What we are witnessing are deliberately outrageous acts designed to create a spectacle and to instil…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“”What we are witnessing are deliberately outrageous acts designed to create a spectacle and to instil fear in a target population […] tell me that young women aren’t supposed to look at the harassment of Sarkeesian for being a public figure and get the message: ‘This could happen to you, […] Watch your mouth.’ “”

Online abuse, leaked nudes and revenge porn: this is nothing less than terrorism against women.

“Sustained abuse knows no gender, race, religion or creed. It hurts everybody.”

September 04 Comments Off on “Sustained abuse knows no gender, race, religion or creed. It hurts everybody.” Category: Feed, Games, Tumblr

“Sustained abuse knows no gender, race, religion or creed. It hurts everybody.”

How to attack a woman who works in video gaming.

“I’m not saying this is the right way to be, but I get it. I get that panic of finding the one place…”

September 02 Comments Off on “I’m not saying this is the right way to be, but I get it. I get that panic of finding the one place…” Category: Feed, Games, Tumblr

“I’m not saying this is the right way to be, but I get it. I get that panic of finding the one place where you felt at home suddenly being overrun with exactly the kind of people who made you feel like you weren’t at home in the regular world. […] This is how women get abused in geek circles. This is how the powerless prey on the other powerless.”

Why I Feel Bad For – And Understand – The Angry #GamerGate Gamers.

“First, I’m pretty sure that tossing women in front of speeding trains was not something that was…”

August 31 Comments Off on “First, I’m pretty sure that tossing women in front of speeding trains was not something that was…” Category: Feed, Games, Tumblr

First, I’m pretty sure that tossing women in front of speeding trains was not something that was done in the normal course of everyday life at any time in human civilization, but hey, I’m not a historian of the 19th century American West, so maybe there’s something I’ve missed.

But more importantly, games like Red Dead Redemption and Assassin’s Creed and even Call of Duty are not history courses. They are not academic presentations of Life as it Once Was for educational purposes. I’m pretty sure that if you complete one of these games, you can’t then transfer your achievements-unlocked as college credits.

The Brutalization of Women in Video Games, and its Apologists.