Driving in Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.By George V….

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Driving in Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland.By George V. Berger.

comicberks: aramzs: comicberks: part2of3: I can hit you…

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I can hit you before you see me. And I won’t just hit you. I’ll burst your eyeballs and punch my fist into your liver. You’ll be dying for hours. You hurt people in front of me? Pay the check.

i haven’t read this yet

but skimmed through it

looked like he was single and on a date? but what happened to Apollo?

i never did finish The Authority, i really want to. don’t know why i keep putting it off.

There was a line that implied that Apollo broke up with him.

Though they were married and there’s pretty much nothing in WildStorm’s history that would imply that. I guess the terrible run of Stormwatch in the post-New 52 might have? I couldn’t finish reading that run, it was terrible.

Well, the Wildstorm universe was merged with the rest of DC after Flashpoint.

Post New 52, Apollo and Midnighter never married. And they were de-aged. And they didn’t adopt Jenny Quantum (who was already a teenager.)

I have a ton of trouble trying to figure out the post-New 52 states of what few WildStorm characters remain. :/

Batman’s gonna die, Roy. He refuses to believe it. But it’s…

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Batman’s gonna die, Roy. He refuses to believe it. But it’s true. Don’t take it personally… it’s the truth. If you wanna find someone who’s gonna survive you… pick an immortal.

Green Arrow – v3 – 017 – The Archer’s Quest: Part 2. Brad Meltzer, Phil Hester, Ande Parks.

imagecomics: Magic and Myth Unleashed on the Streets of Modern…

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Magic and Myth Unleashed on the Streets of Modern Japan in WAYWARDFirst volume of hit series in stores in March

You should buy this book, it is great.