“”The GAO found that 706,000 of households headed by those aged 65 or older have outstanding student…”

October 01 Comments Off on “”The GAO found that 706,000 of households headed by those aged 65 or older have outstanding student…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“The GAO found that 706,000 of households headed by those aged 65 or older have outstanding student debts. That’s just 3 percent of all households, but the debt they hold has ballooned from $2.8 billion in 2005 to about $18.2 billion last year. Some 27 percent of those loans are in default.

If you’re among the 191,000 households that GAO estimates have defaulted, your Social Security benefits can be attached and seized.”

It happens: Seniors with student debt – and smaller Social Security checks.

Pay attention. This is OUR future.

“We pay banks for the privilege of fleecing us, a fact made obvious by the growing slice of corporate…”

September 29 Comments Off on “We pay banks for the privilege of fleecing us, a fact made obvious by the growing slice of corporate…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“”We pay banks for the privilege of fleecing us, a fact made obvious by the growing slice of corporate profits generated by the financial sector. Employment in the financial sector hovers around 5 percent of the American workforce, while they skim a third of all corporate profits off the top. They create nothing and add nothing, so in essence, a massive chunk of American profit is made up of handling fees.””

The big “middle class” rip-off: How a short sale taught me rich people’s ethics.

“”Our survey of GSB alumni identified large valuations of zero-revenue businesses as the most…”

September 27 Comments Off on “”Our survey of GSB alumni identified large valuations of zero-revenue businesses as the most…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“Our survey of GSB alumni identified large valuations of zero-revenue businesses as the most concerning observation in the tech sector today. Perhaps these concerns stem from scars caused by the dotcom bust that these alumni lived through shortly after graduating; when companies went bankrupt in flocks as funding dried up and negligible revenues had no chance of supporting hefty operating costs.

The tech sector has had a remarkable run in the last 14 years. Nearly every business leader and investor we interviewed anticipates some kind of correction in the next 2 to 3 years”

Here’s what Stanford MBAs think about the tech bubble.

Subprime loans are making a comeback, and it’s a disaster

September 27 Comments Off on Subprime loans are making a comeback, and it’s a disaster Category: Feed, Tumblr

Subprime loans are making a comeback, and it’s a disaster:

“But if houses don’t become cheaper and wages don’t rise, what is actually achieved by making it easier for people to go into debt to buy them?”

A: Inflation! Making bankers richer! The totally foreseeable detonation of the worldwide economy!

Oh wait…. is this one of those rhetorical questions?