The median household income for Black Americans is slightly more…

September 16 Comments Off on The median household income for Black Americans is slightly more… Category: Feed, Tumblr

The median household income for Black Americans is slightly more than half what it is for White Americans and almost exactly half for Asian Americans. 

“The underemployment rate of recent college graduates now stands at 46 percent, compared with about…”

September 15 Comments Off on “The underemployment rate of recent college graduates now stands at 46 percent, compared with about…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“The underemployment rate of recent college graduates now stands at 46 percent, compared with about 35 percent for college graduates as a whole.”

Are the Job Prospects of Recent College Graduates Improving?

“Ever wonder why the economic experts never seem to change, keep coming back, despite racking up such…”

September 15 Comments Off on “Ever wonder why the economic experts never seem to change, keep coming back, despite racking up such…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“Ever wonder why the economic experts never seem to change, keep coming back, despite racking up such shattering failures as the housing bubble and the financial crisis and the bank bailouts? Ever wonder why a guy like Larry Summers gets to be chief economist at the World Bank, then gets to deregulate Wall Street, then gets to bail Wall Street out, then almost gets to become chairman of the Fed, and then gets to make sage pronouncements on the subject of—yes— inequality? It’s for the same bad reasons: Because D.C. worships expertise and because Summers, along with a handful of other geniuses, are leading figures in a professional discipline dominated by what a well-informed observer once called a “politburo for correct economic thinking.””

All these effing geniuses: Ezra Klein, expert-driven journalism, and the phony Washington consensus.

John Oliver discusses student debt, which is awful, as well as…

September 15 Comments Off on John Oliver discusses student debt, which is awful, as well as… Category: Feed, Tumblr

John Oliver discusses student debt, which is awful, as well as for-profit colleges, who are awfully good at inflicting debt upon us.