Why bother with #gamergate?

October 06 Comments Off on Why bother with #gamergate? Category: Feed, Games, Journalism, Tumblr

Why bother with #gamergate?:



Then there’s the third thing: the grim fascination with how language is weaponised and used to obstruct, rather than facilitate, understanding, how every tool that has been effective in making social media a progressive force is repurposed as a method of obfuscation and provocation. […] and it gives a disturbingly sharp insight into the limitations of reason when dealing with a collective mania.”

“We pay banks for the privilege of fleecing us, a fact made obvious by the growing slice of corporate…”

September 29 Comments Off on “We pay banks for the privilege of fleecing us, a fact made obvious by the growing slice of corporate…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“”We pay banks for the privilege of fleecing us, a fact made obvious by the growing slice of corporate profits generated by the financial sector. Employment in the financial sector hovers around 5 percent of the American workforce, while they skim a third of all corporate profits off the top. They create nothing and add nothing, so in essence, a massive chunk of American profit is made up of handling fees.””

The big “middle class” rip-off: How a short sale taught me rich people’s ethics.

“”You want to debate any of these things under the charge of improving the ethics of game development…”

September 19 Comments Off on “”You want to debate any of these things under the charge of improving the ethics of game development…” Category: Feed, Games, Tumblr

“You want to debate any of these things under the charge of improving the ethics of game development and game journalism, be my guest. But here’s the thing.

As long as women gamers and game developers are living under a cloud of virtual terrorism, I don’t give a shit about your cause.

As long as women in and around gaming, including I note some on my friends’ list, are getting doxed, getting slandered, getting their private lives and sexuality discussed at length, getting revenge porn and nudes (real or faked) published about them, having their suicide openly rooted for, and getting harassed in private mail and public tweets so vile that they feel the need to hide out at a friends house and call the authorities, your pet topic is so low in priority that I can’t be bothered to care.

As long as the IGDA feels the need to work with the FBI in order to give game developers resources so that they can feel safe from people who claim to love games, I really don’t give a shit about any of the cute little ‘scandals’ that have been manufactured solely to give cover to the continued harassment of a handful of outspoken voices in this industry. There’s really not much else that merits talking about.”

Reclaiming ‘Gamer’ and Defending Our Tribe.

Diversity Is Not Enough: Race, Power, Publishing

May 21 Comments Off on Diversity Is Not Enough: Race, Power, Publishing Category: Feed, Tumblr

Diversity Is Not Enough: Race, Power, Publishing:


“The publishing industry looks a lot like these best-selling teenage dystopias: white and full of people destroying each other to survive.”
“We can love a thing and still critique it. In fact, that’s the only way to really love a thing. Let’s be critical lovers and loving critics and open ourselves to the truth about where we are and where we’ve been. Instead of holding tight to the same old, failed patriarchies, let’s walk a new road, speak new languages. Today, let’s imagine a literature, a literary world, that carries this struggle for equity in its very essence, so that tomorrow it can cease to be necessary, and disappear.”

Such a great read.

Really good read.