Democrats Take Aim at the Gig Economy

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“We cannot live in an economy where we do what is only good for the employer.” With midterms on the horizon, some in Congress are pushing back against the growing propensity to deny U.S. workers benefits. via Facebook through IFTTT

Univision Is A Fucking Mess

May 10 Comments Off on Univision Is A Fucking Mess Category: Facebook, Feed

“What is happening to the company is not ultimately a failure of editorial or even executive management, though: If Univision was a mammoth whose failure to adapt slowed it down, it was private equity investors, consumed by the thought of turning their riches into more riches, who brought it down and bled it dry.” This […]

The curious case of the Fortnite cheater

May 10 Comments Off on The curious case of the Fortnite cheater Category: Facebook, Feed

“First, when C.R. clicked and ran the cheat file, the cheat injected code into his local Fortnite files, modifying them into something different from the copyrighted work. The moment he clicked, he created a “derivative work,” thus infringing copyright. (You could argue that it’s fair use, and, in fact, it’s not a total loser of […]

The Age of Reasonabilism

May 10 Comments Off on The Age of Reasonabilism Category: Facebook, Feed

“Referring to this group as the “intellectual dark web” is somewhat fitting, as they want society to return to an intellectual dark age: an age before enlightenment, before reason and science were allowed to prevail. They would have us return to an age, one not so very long ago, when the ideas that black people […]