Learning to Fool Our Algorithmic Spies

January 09 Comments Off on Learning to Fool Our Algorithmic Spies Category: Facebook, Feed

“[A]longside this exhilarating, debilitating, empowering and terrifying human spectacle, these sites have also fostered — inadvertently — a new but not entirely unfamiliar feeling, that of being watched from above. There is little about the ruthless, marketlike social-media experience that primes you to think about any sort of god. But there are, I’ve noticed, persistent […]

The Storm Is the New Pizzagate — Only Worse

January 04 Comments Off on The Storm Is the New Pizzagate — Only Worse Category: Facebook, Feed

“It’s been a little over a year since Edgar Welch, military-style assault rifle in hand, walked into a D.C. pizza parlor, convinced it was part of a child sex-trafficking ring run by Hillary Clinton, and the internet hasn’t gotten better. If anything, it’s worse. “Sure, in the wake of Pizzagate’s brief encounter with reality, a […]

‘Raw water’ is the latest pseudo-scientific craze that could make you sick

January 03 Comments Off on ‘Raw water’ is the latest pseudo-scientific craze that could make you sick Category: Facebook, Feed

“The answer isn’t, as the New York Times’ Kendra Pierre-Louis tweets, for the wealthy, worried well to just opt out of the public water supply. Nor is it for them leap into the arms of another poorly-regulated, money-making scheme that could make them sick (see: workout supplements). Instead the answer is to continue to push […]

How I Learned to Look Believable

January 03 Comments Off on How I Learned to Look Believable Category: Facebook, Feed

“[I]t is my understanding that these hearings are basically like courtrooms — where the plaintiff is the administration and the defendant is the accused. When the University of California professor Blake Wentworth was fired, it was after an Academic Senate committee hearing. “I can’t say whether I participated in such a hearing, but I can […]