More High School Grads Decide College Isn’t Worth It

April 28 Comments Off on More High School Grads Decide College Isn’t Worth It Category: Feed, Tumblr

More High School Grads Decide College Isn’t Worth It:

As colleges put themselves deeper in debt on the assumption of increasing enrollment (and increase tuition accordingly), enrollment begins to drop. Put a pin in it, here’s where the pressure increases on the higher ed bubble and the pop begins. 

Universities are soon to get an education on just how much the market can bear. 

ANALYST: Bank Of America Just Completed The Wall Street ‘Trifecta Of Misery’

April 28 Comments Off on ANALYST: Bank Of America Just Completed The Wall Street ‘Trifecta Of Misery’ Category: Feed, Tumblr

ANALYST: Bank Of America Just Completed The Wall Street ‘Trifecta Of Misery’:

“Elizabeth Warren is doing a jig somewhere right now.”

“The Trifecta of Misery on Wall Street … a list of mishaps that show Wall Street is now is too big to manage.”

The legacy of the Obama administration? Hope is dead.

April 23 Comments Off on The legacy of the Obama administration? Hope is dead. Category: Feed, Tumblr

The legacy of the Obama administration? Hope is dead.: Nearly 70% of Americans believe that hard work will not allow them to succeed. 80% believe the this generation will have to work harder than the last to excel. 78% believe that their children have …

The collapsing higher education pyramid

April 21 Comments Off on The collapsing higher education pyramid Category: Feed, Tumblr

Buried in a story about how it is just as easy as it used to be to get into college is a quiet notification of the impending burst of the Higher Ed bubble:

“The number of American high school seniors is shrinking, having peaked in 2011. At the same time, according to Noodle’s data, the number of seats at competitive colleges has grown faster than the total pool of qualified applicants”