Why we love Kamala Khan

May 31 Comments Off on Why we love Kamala Khan Category: Feed, Tumblr



Kamala is a different kind of feminism. She isn’t the traditional female superhero, and is nothing like Carol Danvers. Most female superheroes embody the ‘perfect woman’, and Kamala is more the speed of the average girl.


Kamala is a complex teenage girl, coming from a Muslim family, and has to deal with being ostracized by her classmates. Though she respects her faith and family, she still questions her traditions.


She loves her family, and they’re a big part of who she is.


She’s goofy.


Kamala encompasses all that is geek teenage girl behavior. Basically, Tumblr, the girl.


She wants to be a superhero. She wants to be part of the lives of her favorite heroes , wants team ups, and wants to be great. And she’s always learning how to be better.


And so we love her, because Kamala is a different kind of superhero, trying to be someone special, but at the same time stay true to herself and her family.

“Why is it that when you make a bunch of comics about white dudes, it’s not pandering to white dudes,…”

May 26 Comments Off on “Why is it that when you make a bunch of comics about white dudes, it’s not pandering to white dudes,…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“Why is it that when you make a bunch of comics about white dudes, it’s not pandering to white dudes, it’s just normal, but when you make a comic about women, suddenly it’s pandering to women? It’s just making a comic about a woman the same way we’ve made comics about dudes for all this time.”

Sam Maggs, associate editor of progressive fan site The Mary Sue.

via: Marvel’s Female Super-Hero Renaissance


May 26 Comments Off on Video Category: Feed, Tumblr


May 26 Comments Off on Video Category: Feed, Tumblr