The widening economic gap. From US Census Data.

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The widening economic gap. From US Census Data.

Labor Force Participation: Recent Developments and Future Prospects

September 16 Comments Off on Labor Force Participation: Recent Developments and Future Prospects Category: Feed, Tumblr

Labor Force Participation: Recent Developments and Future Prospects:

America’s labor force is shrinking as the “Baby Boom” generation ages out. But projected patterns, decreasing availability of middle-skill (those for undergrad degree holders) jobs and increasing competition for low-skill jobs (like burger-flipping) shows that the baby boomers’ departure from the workforce is likely a scorched earth affair. 

The median household income for Black Americans is slightly more…

September 16 Comments Off on The median household income for Black Americans is slightly more… Category: Feed, Tumblr

The median household income for Black Americans is slightly more than half what it is for White Americans and almost exactly half for Asian Americans. 

“The underemployment rate of recent college graduates now stands at 46 percent, compared with about…”

September 15 Comments Off on “The underemployment rate of recent college graduates now stands at 46 percent, compared with about…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“The underemployment rate of recent college graduates now stands at 46 percent, compared with about 35 percent for college graduates as a whole.”

Are the Job Prospects of Recent College Graduates Improving?