upworthy: The Sunlight Foundation analyzed the difference in…

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The Sunlight Foundation analyzed the difference in election spending and lobbying between the NRA and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. The NRA’s huge money advantage almost makes you think it was compensating for something.

"The most blatant protection racket is orchestrated by the National Rifle Association, which is…"

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“The most blatant protection racket is orchestrated by the National Rifle Association, which is ruthless against candidates who are tempted to stray from its view that all gun regulations are pure evil. Debra Maggart, a Republican leader in the Tenne…

shortformblog: In case Time’s Person of the Year made you feel…

December 19 Comments Off on shortformblog: In case Time’s Person of the Year made you feel… Category: Feed, Tumblr


In case Time’s Person of the Year made you feel a bit cynical, Quartz has you covered with a nice antidote. “While Time, the popularizers of the person of the year concept, is right that the president dominated 2012, it’s worth re…

"The researchers examined 29 rigorous studies between 1983 and 2005 that assessed the effectiveness…"

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“The researchers examined 29 rigorous studies between 1983 and 2005 that assessed the effectiveness of four major areas of gun violence interventions: information, training, and storage campaigns; gun buy-back programs; gun laws; and law enforcement …