usmspcol: Who wouldn’t want to go to a cat tea party?! The…

September 28 Comments Off on usmspcol: Who wouldn’t want to go to a cat tea party?! The… Category: Feed, Tumblr


Who wouldn’t want to go to a cat tea party?! The little one in the corner knows what’s good.

Gif created from a page spread of Miss Mouser’s Tea Party, published by McLoughlin Bros., Inc., circa 1870. From the de Grummond Children’s Literature Collection.

“So Lincoln and Grant may have had their mission-accomplished moment, but ultimately the Confederates…”

August 12 Comments Off on “So Lincoln and Grant may have had their mission-accomplished moment, but ultimately the Confederates…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“So Lincoln and Grant may have had their mission-accomplished moment, but ultimately the Confederates won. The real Civil War — the one that stretched from 1861 to 1877 — was the first war the United States lost.”

Not a Tea Party, a Confederate Party.