wopwop. Apple has always been hideously overpriced, this should…

January 18 Comments Off on wopwop. Apple has always been hideously overpriced, this should… Category: Feed, Tumblr

wopwop. Apple has always been hideously overpriced, this should be no surprise to anyone, yet it constantly is. I’ve been calling this from the day they broke 400. 
Its only a downward slope for them as they face increasingly effective competition a…

2012, The Year I Basically Stopped Using Apple’s iOS Apps

January 09 Comments Off on 2012, The Year I Basically Stopped Using Apple’s iOS Apps Category: Feed, Tumblr

2012, The Year I Basically Stopped Using Apple’s iOS Apps

"There’s also this persistent myth the iPhone has some kind of lead. It doesn’t. Not in…"

January 08 Comments Off on "There’s also this persistent myth the iPhone has some kind of lead. It doesn’t. Not in…" Category: Feed, Tumblr

“There’s also this persistent myth the iPhone has some kind of lead. It doesn’t. Not in terms of market share, not in terms of engineering, not in terms of design, not in terms of software, not in terms of maps, not in terms of voice recognition,…

"Putting it into a single line: The latest version of Android outshines the latest version of iOS in…"

January 08 Comments Off on "Putting it into a single line: The latest version of Android outshines the latest version of iOS in…" Category: Feed, Tumblr

“Putting it into a single line: The latest version of Android outshines the latest version of iOS in almost every single aspect.” – An iPhone lover’s confession: I switched to the Nexus 4. Completely.