Word of the day (that you thought you knew) – Sophomore

July 25 Comments Off on Word of the day (that you thought you knew) – Sophomore Category: Feed, Tumblr

Likely evolving from the Greek ‘sophisma’, “acquired skill, clever device, method”, the actual origin of the word is far from the traditional assumption of “wise fool”.

This is a common linguistic myth, one that can be found in many a dictionary and has evolved into common usage with the term ‘sophomoric’. 

In reality the word comes from the term sophist, which means ‘a man who achieved wisdom’ or a kind of teacher specializing in philosophy and rhetoric. As the tools of debate and the concept of paid education came under criticism in later centuries the meaning of the word has altered over time. 

Even so, the origin of sophomore is far from ‘wise fool’. Something to remember. 

isitsafe: workman: The Project Twins I’m adding…

July 08 Comments Off on isitsafe: workman: The Project Twins I’m adding… Category: Feed, Tumblr



The Project Twins

I’m adding ultracrepidarian to my vocabulary now.

Then I’m going to Twtter to judge people.


Wikipedia’s notes on the weird and convoluted history of the programming term ‘foo bar’.

March 19 Comments Off on Wikipedia’s notes on the weird and convoluted history of the programming term ‘foo bar’. Category: Code, Feed, Tumblr

Wikipedia’s notes on the weird and convoluted history of the programming term ‘foo bar’.

Word of the day: Incunable, Incunabula

December 11 Comments Off on Word of the day: Incunable, Incunabula Category: Feed, Tumblr

Incunabula: 1: “Extant copies of books produced in the earliest stages (before 1501) of printing from movable type.” 2: “The earliest stages or first traces of anything.”
On Wikipedia, redirects to Incunable:

“An incunabl…