These People Signed Their Personal Brands Over to BuzzFeed and It Was Real AF

June 16 Comments Off on These People Signed Their Personal Brands Over to BuzzFeed and It Was Real AF Category: Facebook, Feed

“Unlike the Hollywood system that BuzzFeed is trying to both leverage and usurp, BuzzFeed’s talent doesn’t have union protection.

“And it’s young. For many employees, BuzzFeed is a chance to get a lot of recognition quickly and easily — but in exchange, they’re signing away pretty much everything. Not just the creative work they do for the company (which is fairly standard), but also their names and likenesses. […]

“Exactly what BuzzFeed offers these creators in return is unclear, as the terms of the deals are not public. Its young millennial workforce is compensated in free snacks, cool factor, swag, celebrity photo ops … and just enough money to pay the rent.”

Filed to: Better to ask forgiveness than permission, but only if your a large corporate entity breaking the law. Not you, personally, you know?

What happens when a company calls dibs on your personal brand?

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