Dollar Shave Club and The Disruption of Everything

July 20 Comments Off on Dollar Shave Club and The Disruption of Everything Category: Facebook, Feed

Notes on the inevitable economic deflation of disruption.

“Perhaps the biggest of these second order effects is on value, and that’s where I come back to this purchase price: the tech community is celebrating the massive return for Dollar Shave Club’s investors, but $1 billion for a 16% unit share of a market dominated by a brand that cost $57 billion is startlingly small. Indeed, that’s why buying Dollar Shave Club was never an option for P&G: even if their model is superior P&G’s shareholders would never permit the abandonment of what made the company so successful for so long; a company so intently focused on growing revenue is incapable of slicing one of their most profitable lines by half or more.”

Dollar Shave Club is a textbook example of how the new Internet economy will destroy value in incumbent industries.

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