Stop jizzing all over journalism

July 08 Comments Off on Stop jizzing all over journalism Category: Facebook, Feed

“There was a recent, high-profile example of this happening: SB Nation’s horrific story on serial rapist Daniel Holtzclaw, and the Deadspin investigation that found that senior editor Elena Bergeron “explicitly and repeatedly drew attention to the story’s flaws in the days leading to its publication—and was, somehow, ignored.” Somehow ignored? I know why she was ignored. While it’s speculation on my part that another woman at L.A. Weekly, Variety, or Vanity Fair read those pieces and went to their editors with objections, I know from experience that these situations constantly occur and will not be remedied until there is not only more diversity in the newsroom, but in the upper echelons of newsroom management.”

Ladies, what the fuck. We are (Lord willing) mere months away from finally having the first woman president. National female voices like Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren and Ruth Bader Ginsburg appear stronger than ever. At the same time, personality journalism appears to be gazing longingly bac

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