The unpredictable course of live streaming has caught us unprepared

July 18 Comments Off on The unpredictable course of live streaming has caught us unprepared Category: Facebook, Feed

“Recent news events have time and again offered practical examples of situations previously unimaginable – violent deaths on camera with attached offline political consequences. The subsequent mass reactions testing the boundaries of acceptable speech, as racism, hate speech and intimidation are normalised in the same way that broken corpses have become normalised as a part of the mobile news stream. Competing voices urge caution v action, disclosure v privacy, all expressed in strong terms. […]

“Facebook knew the technology it deployed to bring forth Chewbacca Mom would also empower important political movements such as Black Lives Matter. It knows now that every time a violent atrocity is committed Facebook is the default destination, and its actions however automatic are freighted with meaning. And the traditional media have our own private dilemmas as we create the audience for terror or policy theatre.”

The immediacy with which often violent events are broadcast by anyone anywhere is changing how we experience crisis

via Facebook
through IFTTT

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