In 1997, the US ranked 52nd in the world for women in government. Now we’re 97th.

August 30 Comments Off on In 1997, the US ranked 52nd in the world for women in government. Now we’re 97th. Category: Facebook, Feed

“Another one of Wolbrecht’s studies looked at 23 developed countries with varied levels of women in government. It found that in the countries with more female legislators, young women were more likely to participate in politics and have political discussions, and that young women expressed a greater interest in becoming politically active in the future.

“Or consider an influential study published in 2012 in the journal Science, which looked at what happened when India randomly assigned some political positions to women. […]

“The fraction of parents who believed that a daughter’s occupation (but not a son’s) should be determined by her in-laws declined from 76 percent to 65 percent. Adolescent girls in those areas became less likely to want to be housewives, too — and the gap in educational attainment of young boys and girls completely closed.”

What happened?

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