Where the Wild Bots Are: The Rise of Ad Fraud | ExchangeWire.com

August 15 Comments Off on Where the Wild Bots Are: The Rise of Ad Fraud | ExchangeWire.com Category: Facebook, Feed

So much good in this article.

“Bots don’t go to [publisher] sites to make money; they go to their sites to collect cookies and then go elsewhere to cause the ad impressions to load – thus, siphoning ad revenue away from the publishers. […]

“Normal market forces would dictate that the CPM prices should go way up. But the reality is it hasn’t gone way up. This is because bad guys can generate as many bot impressions on mobile and video ads as they want, to absorb all the new money flowing to these areas. […]

“On long-tail sites, that sell their ad inventory into the wild west ad exchanges, they have every incentive to ‘source traffic’ to increase their own ad revenue. So, it is not that long-tail publishers are affected by ad fraud; they may in fact be the very ones supporting it by paying to buy traffic to their sites. Think about it this way: there aren’t a whole bunch of humans sitting around with nothing to do but to hit the webpages you tell them to go to. So how is all that traffic created? Right, bots.”

Dr Augustine Fou explains how publishers are affected by ad fraud and how bots can and will continue to flout the code of advertising.

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