WIRED Endorses Optimism

August 18 Comments Off on WIRED Endorses Optimism Category: Facebook, Feed

A very strong, well written, well reasoned endorsement from WIRED. A #longreads, but worth the 8 minutes of reading time.

“Engineers, the heroes of WIRED, often misunderstand politics. They tend to confuse political problems with technological ones (because those are the ones they know how to solve), and they get impatient with the inefficiency, ugliness, and open-endedness of governing. If you think WIRED’s ideal future is an engineer’s future, you’ve misread us, and I apologize for being unclear. Making policy based on ideas, science, evidence, and compromise—as we believe Hillary Clinton will do—is not an approach to building a fully optimized system. When human beings are involved, optimization is asymptotic; you aim for it but never reach it. Clinton’s approach is merely prudent.”

We’ve always avoided telling you, our readers, who WIRED viewed as the best choice. Today we will.

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