Against transparency

September 06 Comments Off on Against transparency Category: Facebook, Feed

This is a bad article.

1. I want my politicians to be worried about how their discussions would look on the front page of Politico.

2. Because people can do freely do illegal things in person doesn’t mean they should be as freely able to do those illegal things electronically.

3. “When email is outlawed, only outlaws will email” is the most idiotic fucking sentence ever written on the entire internet.

4. Being too lazy to pick up the phone and call someone is a poor reason to be against government transparency.

5. “Effective government beats transparent government” is basically saying “well the trains ran on time”. I’d rather know if the trains are fueled by human corpses than have them run on time. I don’t believe I even need to say this

This is a bad article.

Government officials’ email should be private, just like their phone calls.

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