The price of relevance is fluency

September 18 Comments Off on The price of relevance is fluency Category: Facebook, Feed

“Now, these powerful folks don’t want to be held accountable for disrespecting people with different identities, and the powerful certainly don’t want to be mocked for their illiteracy in contemporary culture, but they damn sure want to make certain that you know they’re not interested in indulging modern norms for showing respect to others.

“Here’s the thing, though: It’s not that hard. It’s not difficult at all to ask people how they want to be identified. It’s not tricky to listen to what people are saying about their concerns and their issues, and to try to understand what that means about how culture is evolving. It’s not hard at all to be humble about unfamiliar aspects of society and ask for information in respectful ways, then take those responses into consideration going forward.”

“You can’t say anything anymore! You can’t even make jokes!” There’s a constant complaint from people in positions of power, mostly men, who keep making the ridiculous assertion that they’re not able to speak in public. What they actually mean is they no longer understand the

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