Colleges Tackle Illicit Use of A.D.H.D. Pills

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Colleges Tackle Illicit Use of A.D.H.D. Pills:

Interesting to see the form the push back takes here. Instead of education or stronger restrictions, most of these colleges are just relinquishing responsibility to external practitioners. And of course, nothing seems to be done to investigate the base causes and address those. 

To compare to the number of people you know with legitimate prescriptions: a mere 11% of children ages 4 to 17 are diagnosed with ADHD. 

“Various studies have estimated that as many as 35 percent of college students illicitly take these stimulants to provide jolts of focus and drive during finals and other periods of heavy stress. Many do not know that it is a federal crime to possess the pills without a prescription and that abuse can lead to anxiety, depression and, occasionally, psychosis.

Although few experts dispute that stimulant medications can be safe and successful treatments for many people with a proper A.D.H.D. diagnosis, the growing concern about overuse has led some universities, as one student health director put it, “to get out of the A.D.H.D. business.””