“Oh, and when you get around to it, you might want to eventually learn how babby is formed, and then…”

June 26 Comments Off on “Oh, and when you get around to it, you might want to eventually learn how babby is formed, and then…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“Oh, and when you get around to it, you might want to eventually learn how babby is formed, and then stop lecturing everyone else in America about how they should be pure NO HOMO virgins, just like you.”

Wonkette’s always excellent Bristol Palin coverege.

Links 1-31-11: Android wins!, Snooze your gMails, Quora

January 31 Comments Off on Links 1-31-11: Android wins!, Snooze your gMails, Quora Category: Actual, Links

Android has made notable market progress in their latest reports. Google’s OS now claims the top spot in smartphone sales and went from less then 10% to 22% of the tablet market. With their the new Honeycomb due to come out soon, it’s no doubt that the iPad will soon be given a run for its money.