“Step back, though, and you can see an even deeper problem: the implicit conflation of the production…”

September 09 Comments Off on “Step back, though, and you can see an even deeper problem: the implicit conflation of the production…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“Step back, though, and you can see an even deeper problem: the implicit conflation of the production of things with the living of a creative life. From this point of view, creativity is really just a fancy kind of productivity.”

Creativity Creep.

The 5 Most Dangerous Creativity Killers

April 15 Comments Off on The 5 Most Dangerous Creativity Killers Category: Feed, Tumblr

The 5 Most Dangerous Creativity Killers: drewvigal:

Homogeneous groups have shown to be better able to get along, but it comes at a cost: they are less creative. This even applies to the social groups you keep, so beware of being surrounded by peopl…