“Things are getting worse on the internet, not better, at the very moment when the internet in all of…”

October 08 Comments Off on “Things are getting worse on the internet, not better, at the very moment when the internet in all of…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“”Things are getting worse on the internet, not better, at the very moment when the internet in all of its forms is becoming part and parcel of everyday life. If there was a pretext that “the internet” was a separate light-green universe where different rules were held from “IRL,” I think we’re over that now.””

Unauthorized Access.

“”It’s true that the game can twist relationships, usually by forcing a leap to a higher degree…”

August 05 Comments Off on “”It’s true that the game can twist relationships, usually by forcing a leap to a higher degree…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“”It’s true that the game can twist relationships, usually by forcing a leap to a higher degree of intimacy, but this can be a positive development. “Really what we’re doing,” Luke says when I ask him why he plays, “is trying to use the weird medium of texting to create new ways of interacting with people.” In this view, Damage Control turns texting into something more than a mode of communication. It is texting as a new art form. “It can be transcendent,” Luke says. “But mainly it’s just terrifying.”””

They began to confide in each other. A genuine friendship began to form. Brad knew he could never meet her—she would recognize him from their failed date—so he refused to send her pictures of his face. She didn’t seem to mind. She enjoyed having open conversations, free of social context, with a perfect stranger.

Would you let a friend send a message to any contact in your phone?

pom-yaoihands: ahmogar: greenekangaroo: hugtherobots: I know…

February 22 Comments Off on pom-yaoihands: ahmogar: greenekangaroo: hugtherobots: I know… Category: Feed, Tumblr





I know it’s trendy to fight the system and cry that we are all becoming slaves of technology, but this attitude overlooks that computers and phones are tools for communicating. When someone thinks I’m an idiot smiling at a machine, I’m actually smiling at my girlfriend who is 10000 miles away and whom I would have never met if not for these newfangled electronics. As they say: when the wise man points to the moon, the fool looks at the finger.

This is a topic that I’ve been wanting to tackle for a while now; much credit to this excellent post for bringing it to the front of my brain.

Fucking this. 

Fucking thank you.