jilli1205: Bill Black concurs, stating, “Our system is…

April 15 Comments Off on jilli1205: Bill Black concurs, stating, “Our system is… Category: Feed, Tumblr


Bill Black concurs, stating, “Our system is completely rotten. All of the largest banks are involved—eagerly engaged in this fraud for years, covering it up.” The system needs a complete overhaul. In the meantime, if the FDIC can bring a civil action for breach of contract and fraud, so can state and local governments, universities, and pension funds. The possibilities this opens up for California (where I’m currently running for State Treasurer) are huge. Fraud is grounds for rescission (terminating the contract) without paying penalties, potentially saving taxpayers enormous sums in fees for swap deals that are crippling cities, universities and other public entities across the state. Fraud is also grounds for punitive damages, something an outraged jury might be inclined to impose. (via The Global Banking Game is Rigged and the FDIC is Suing | NationofChange)

Vox poses the question: does the Paul Ryan budget show us that capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with democracy?

April 11 Comments Off on Vox poses the question: does the Paul Ryan budget show us that capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with democracy? Category: Feed, Tumblr

Vox poses the question: does the Paul Ryan budget show us that capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with democracy?:
The Doom Loop of Oligarchy: Wealth becomes political power. Political power becomes more wealth. We see it happening right now.

Start saving now: Day care costs more than college in 31 states

April 11 Comments Off on Start saving now: Day care costs more than college in 31 states Category: Feed, Tumblr

Start saving now: Day care costs more than college in 31 states:

If we saved for day care the same way we save for college, we’d have to start putting money away at age 8.

Because education should be unaffordable at every level.

‘Going to sleep hungry, it’s kind of a lonely feeling’

April 10 Comments Off on ‘Going to sleep hungry, it’s kind of a lonely feeling’ Category: Feed, Tumblr

‘Going to sleep hungry, it’s kind of a lonely feeling’:

Food insecurity rises on college campuses as tuition increases and more low-income students enroll.

Our college campuses have started food assistance programs to insure that indebted students don’t… you know… starve.

I’m going to put this out there, if you have to chose between going to college and eating, chose eating. Chances are the college isn’t worth it anyway.