“If it was adolescent then, more mean-spirited fun than…

October 01 Comments Off on “If it was adolescent then, more mean-spirited fun than… Category: Feed, Tumblr

“If it was adolescent then, more mean-spirited fun than outright malice, it is now a frighteningly adult enterprise where the joke is lost somewhere amid the sexual harassment and death threats. What began as the occasional doxxing of a Tumblr user or…

“If it was adolescent then, more mean-spirited fun than…

October 01 Comments Off on “If it was adolescent then, more mean-spirited fun than… Category: Feed, Tumblr

“If it was adolescent then, more mean-spirited fun than outright malice, it is now a frighteningly adult enterprise where the joke is lost somewhere amid the sexual harassment and death threats. What began as the occasional doxxing of a Tumblr user or…

Vox poses the question: does the Paul Ryan budget show us that capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with democracy?

April 11 Comments Off on Vox poses the question: does the Paul Ryan budget show us that capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with democracy? Category: Feed, Tumblr

Vox poses the question: does the Paul Ryan budget show us that capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with democracy?:
The Doom Loop of Oligarchy: Wealth becomes political power. Political power becomes more wealth. We see it happening right now.