The Emma Watson Naked Photo Countdown Was The Work Of Serial Internet Hoaxers

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The Emma Watson Naked Photo Countdown Was The Work Of Serial Internet Hoaxers:

The media blames a viral marketing company for the stunt, but the truth is far more disturbing.

Here’s the thing, if you’re threatening to leak nudes of someone, and you don’t have any actual intent to, but you don’t *tell* anyone that. Isn’t it still a threat? Isn’t the intended chilling effect on someone’s speech and actions still there for the duration of the hoax? And isn’t the fundamental point of such an act, to make others think twice about speaking out, still the case?

What I’m saying is… does it really *matter* if 4chan was threatening with intent or some pranksters were threatening without intent? Isn’t it still fundamentally abusing others for power? Is it any less wrong because there were no photos to release?